Tactics For Property Agent To Increase Lead Generation Without Spending Money

Property transactions rarely go smoothly. It has been said, “The sky is the limit” when it comes to the amount of income a property agent can earn. I have seen agents, many of whom are new to the industry, earning a 6-figure sales commission in a single month. But also seen agents, who struggled to get a listing sold over time.

To achieve a phenomenal sales figure requires a lot of hard work and a fair bit of luck. Let me share some tactics to improve your lead generation.

Presence on Social Media

It is crucial to be active on social media, where it allows you to understand more about your audience – What are they truly looking for? Are they merely looking for advice? Or do they have the intention to make the purchase? Your audience may leave comments on your posts if they have thoughts in mind. And You don’t have to pay a single cent to engage with them. Sounds good?

Are your posts creating any engagement or are they just there, sitting idly, doing nothing?Think about it.

Also, you can’t simply post whatever you want on social media. You have to find topics your audiences might be interested in – example: a checklist for property owners before selling the house. Every post of yours must be interesting enough to generate interest among your followers.

Engaging Real Estate Newsletters

I believe you have had a list of email addresses sitting in your excel file since day one as a property agent. Utilise your email list, mail out at least one email every week. It’s preferable if you use platforms. Those platforms help you to produce professional-looking newsletters and track who opened the emails, what they clicked on, and if they unsubscribed. Indeed, it is not compulsory to use those platforms, only if you have a budget.

Make sure you send out valuable information that is not only self-promoting. Otherwise, people will not click on your email and eventually become junk mail which you don’t want to be that kind of sender. As long as you have an opt-in list to send to, you can include listing updates about the properties, market trends, tips for investing in a house and even funny news from a video you saw on FaceBook (pertaining to real estate, of course).

Customised Your Property Agent Website

As technology continues to advance and shift at pace, you as a property agent must make the same evolution. Not having a website is like not having business cards. The good news is, you can create your website without having programming knowledge. Platforms like wix.com, wordpress.com or even godaddy.com are free to create your personalised website. Fortunately, you don’t have to worry about the visual appeal, as most of them come with templates. You just need to pick and choose to insert your content and it’s good to live.

Customer Surveys

Surveying people about service quality has marketing benefits. You can identify opportunities for improvement and you can let clients know you value the quality of their experience. You can do this by sending an email and including a link to your survey, through Facebook Messenger or even Instagram bio.

The process can be automated on any number of touchpoints including an open house, house tour, or even the final sales. Give your clients the freedom to answer a survey when they want and get the results in real-time. However, it does take time to collect significant data. But it’s all worthwhile!

Collect Customer Reviews On Your Website/Social Media

Happy clients singing your praises is the best marketing you can get. So, why not? Have a page on your site to feature and accept new reviews or testimonials. A simple form can automate the process and send you an email when a new review arrives.

Then you can add it to your website. Take these same reviews and sprinkle them on all your touchpoints. Of course, it costs you nothing to get those reviews if your clients are satisfied with your service. They are more than willing to give you a good review.

Produce Property Related Video

Do you know videos attract 300% more traffic for nurturing leads? Property listings with video receive 403% more inquiries. Besides, 85% of buyers and sellers want to work with an agent who uses property videos for marketing. If you haven’t already produced any video yet, it’s time to get on the video bandwagon. Keep in mind, while presenting your video, you need to avoid selling all the time.

There’s an old rule in sales: “People hate the idea of being sold to. It’s a rule because it’s true”. So, don’t sell in every video. Besides, most of your videos should be helpful and entertaining that people find intriguing, even if they’re not ready to buy or sell. The most important part is paying the price for video production is unnecessary. You can edit your own, with free software like jianying, inshot, imovie, etc.

Use Your Existing Network And Relationship

No matter how new you are in the market, you must have an existing network of business professionals and personal relationships. You can leverage them to generate the initial momentum for your business and get early wins. Keep in touch with them, ask them out for dinner if that’s what you want to do. Building strong rapports within the community is perhaps the most powerful marketing tool an agent can possess.

Strengthen these rapports by calling other professionals in the community and asking them questions as often as possible. Over time, the rapport will develop and they will send you referrals. Referrals are the sweetest form of property agency marketing and it’s free!


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