HDB Resale Procedures

HDB Resale Procedures: The Complete Process


1.1 Sellers, please check whether:

(a) you have met the Minimum Occupation Period Period (MOP). You can login to My HDBPage with your Singpass and check if you have met the MOP to sell your flat - under My Flat > Purchased Flat > Flat Details > Minimum Occupation Period (MOP).

(b) you have an alternative home to move to;

(c) you have sufficient funds if you are buying another flat;

(d) you have any outstanding lease administration issues to be settled with the Branch;

(e) your flat is affected by any Upgrading/Estate Renewal Programme. If the upgrading works have been completed, you have to check when the bill will be served as this will determine the party liable to pay for the upgrading cost. You may check the schedule of billing dates for the completed precincts at the respective Branches or from HDB's website at www.hdb.gov.sg / Home / Residential / Living in an HDB Flat / SERS and Upgrading Programmes / Upgrading Programmes / Pay Upgrading Cost / Scheduled Billing Date and Statement of Account or use the e-Service ‘Enquire Status of HDB´s Upgrading/Estate Renewal Programmes’;

(f) you are selling to eligible buyers whose ethnic group is within the approved ethnic limits on the date of resale application and your buyers can comply with the Singapore Permanent Resident (SPR) Quota Policy if they are SPRs;


1.2 Buyers, please check whether:

(a) you and your family are eligible to buy an HDB resale flat;

(b) you have sufficient funds (CPF, cash, housing loan) to buy a flat and you are aware of the restrictions on use of CPF and HDB loan if you are buying a flat where the age of the youngest buyer and the remaining lease of the flat is less than 95 years (Banks/financial institutions may also consider these when granting home loans);

(c) you are eligible for an HDB loan and have obtained an HDB Flat Eligibility (HFE) Letter (or HDB Loan Eligibility (HLE) Letter applied for prior to 9 May 2023) or you need to get a bank loan and have obtained a Letter of Offer from a bank/financial institution;

(d) you are able to meet the requirements of the Ethnic Integration Policy and Singapore Permanent Resident Quota Policy on the date of resale application;

(e) the resale flat is affected by any Upgrading/Estate Renewal Programme and if so, understand whether it is the seller or the buyer who has to pay the upgrading cost when there is a resale of the flat;

(f) there is any recess area fronting the flat that you may buy;

(g) the sellers are selling the flat as owners or legal representatives (e.g. Attorneys, Administrators, Executors or Committees of Mentally Disordered Persons) and have met HDB’s requirements to sell the flat;

1.3 Sellers and buyers are advised to read and understand the Terms and Conditions of Sale and Purchase of an HDB Resale Flat before proceeding to sell or buy a resale flat.



2.1 All resale applications are processed on the HDB Flat Portal. Login is with SingPass.

2.2 The HDB Flat Portal integrates the checks on eligibility to: (a) sell a flat via an Intent to Sell and (b) buy a new or resale flat, obtain CPF housing grants and an HDB housing loan, including the respective grant and loan amounts, via an HDB Flat Eligibility (HFE) Letter. It also provides the essential information to the sellers and buyers and guides them through the process for the sale or purchase of the flat.

2.3 Sellers must have a valid Intent to Sell registered in the HDB Flat Portal (or a valid Intent to Sell registered in the HDB Resale Portal prior to 9 May 2023) at least 7 days before granting an Option to Purchase to the buyers. The Intent to Sell, which has a 12-month validity, must be valid when submitting a resale application.

2.4 Buyers must have a valid HDB Flat Eligibility (HFE) Letter (or a valid Intent to Buy registered in the HDB Resale Portal prior to 9 May 2023) when granted an Option to Purchase by the sellers. The HDB Flat Eligibility (HFE) Letter, which has a 6-month validity, or the Intent to Buy, which has a 12-month validity, must be valid when submitting a resale application.



3.1 Buyers who are eligible for and intend to obtain an HDB housing loan must have a valid HDB Flat Eligibility (HFE) Letter (or have a valid HDB Loan Eligibility (HLE) Letter applied for prior to 9 May 2023) when the sellers grant them the Option to Purchase.

3.2 Buyers who intend to take a bank loan must have a valid Letter of Offer from a bank/financial institution when they exercise the Option to Purchase.

3.3 Buyers who are not taking any housing loan have to indicate that they are financing the flat purchase fully with their CPF savings and/or cash when they submit their resale application to HDB.



4.1 Sellers and buyers of resale flats must use the HDB prescribed Option to Purchase (effective 1 January 2018) as the form of contract in resale transactions. No party is allowed to enter into any other agreement pertaining to the sale and purchase of the flat, as this would be null and void pursuant to the Housing and Development Act. No amendments may be made to the prescribed form.

4.2 Sellers and buyers (or their salespersons) can download the prescribed Option to Purchase form from the HDB InfoWEB (www.hdb.gov.sg). Each form has a unique Serial Number. Sellers and buyers must state the Serial Number of the Option to Purchase when they submit a resale application to HDB.

4.3 Sellers and buyers must declare to HDB the true resale price of the flat. They shall not enter into any supplementary agreement or other agreements or arrangements that may cause the resale price as declared to be inflated or understated.

4.4 The prescribed Option Fee, Deposit and Option Period are given below:

Option Fee - An amount not exceeding $1,000

Deposit - An amount not exceeding $5,000

(Option Fee + Option Exercise Fee = Deposit)

Option Period - 21 calendar days (including Sat/Sun & public holidays) after the Option Date.

[E.g. If the sellers grant an Option to the buyers on 9 May 2023 (Tuesday), the Option will expire on 30 May 2023 (Tuesday). The Option expiry time is standardised at 4pm.]

4.5 The sellers and buyers will negotiate and agree on the resale price of the flat. The sellers will grant an Option to the buyers to purchase the resale flat at the agreed resale price. In exchange, the buyers pay an Option Fee to the sellers.

4.6 The seller’s offer is for a fixed period (“Option Period”) during which the sellers cannot sell the flat or make offers to other buyers.

4.7 To exercise the Option, the buyers must do the following before the expiry of the Option Period:

(a) sign the Acceptance in the Option to Purchase [Buyers who are getting a bank loan must ensure that the date of issue of the bank’s Letter of Offer is before the date of Acceptance],

(b) deliver the signed Option to Purchase to the sellers (or an authorised recipient by completing the Authorisation Form (Form A) provided in the Option to Purchase), and

(c) pay a sum called “Option Exercise Fee” to the sellers.

4.8 The Option Fee and Option Exercise Fee will form the “Deposit” for the purchase of the resale flat. The sellers and buyers must state an amount for the Option Fee as well as for the Option Exercise Fee. Neither the Option Fee nor the Option Exercise Fee can be $0. This is to ensure that there is a valid Option or contract.

4.9 Upon exercise of the Option to Purchase, the sellers and the buyers enter into a binding contract for the sale and purchase of the resale flat.

4.10 The Option to Purchase shall be witnessed by a third party, who is above the age of 21 years.

4.11 After the buyers have exercised the Option to Purchase, the sellers and buyers shall, within the timeframe they have agreed in the Option to Purchase, submit their respective portion of the resale application to HDB for processing.



5.1 Buyers who are financing the purchase of the flat with CPF savings or a housing loan from HDB or bank/financial institution must submit a Request for Value to HDB to determine the value of the flat which forms the basis for their CPF usage and/or the reference for a housing loan from HDB or bank/financial institution, unless otherwise advised by a bank/financial institution.

5.2 Only buyers who have been granted an Option to Purchase shall submit a Request for Value. Buyers must (by themselves in the HDB Flat Portal or through their salesperson via the e-Resale System or Estate Agent Toolkit) submit the Request for Value by the next working day* after the Option Date. Scanned copies of page 1 of the Option to Purchase must be attached with the request. They will need to pay a non-refundable processing fee of $120 (including GST) to HDB. The payment will be via payment modes provided by the HDB Flat Portal/e-Resale System/Estate Agent Toolkit.

(*Monday to Friday, which is not a Public Holiday)

5.3 HDB will decide whether a valuation of the flat is required to determine the value of the flat. If HDB requires a valuation of the flat, HDB will assign any of the private valuation firms on HDB’s Panel of Valuers to conduct the valuation.

5.4 If the valuation of the flat is required by HDB, the sellers must, within three (3) working days* after the day the buyers submit the Request for Value, allow the HDB assigned valuer to enter and inspect the flat for the valuation.

5.5 The buyers can check the status of the Request for Value from the HDB Flat Portal. HDB will inform the buyers via email once the value of the flat is available in the HDB Flat Portal.

5.6 The value of the flat is only applicable to the Request for Value submitted for the specific Option to Purchase and is not valid for use in another resale transaction involving the buyers under a different Option to Purchase for the same flat or other buyers of the flat, for which a new Request for Value must be submitted.

5.7 The buyers of the flat as stated in the Option to Purchase, Request for Value and resale application must be the same.

5.8 The value of the flat will remain valid for a period of 3 months from the day it is made available in the HDB Flat Portal. If the buyers do not submit a resale application within the 3-month validity period, they will have to submit a new Request for Value. In this event, the housing loan amount to be granted by HDB or bank/financial institution and the use of CPF savings for the purchase of the flat will be based on the value of the flat determined via the new Request for Value.



6.1 If there is a recess area space fronting the flat available for sale, the buyers may request HDB to process the application to buy the recess area together with the resale application. The buyers have to contact the Branch Service Line at 1800-2255432, at least 2 weeks before submitting the resale application for information on the availability of the recess area for purchase. As the resale completion date may be affected/delayed, the seller’s consent will need to be obtained before HDB can process the 2 applications concurrently. In the absence of the seller’s consent, HDB will process the resale application without the purchase of the recess area.



7.1 The sellers and buyers have to submit their respective portion of the resale application separately to HDB with attachment of the required documents via the HDB Flat Portal. Their salesperson (if any) can submit the application on their behalf via the e-Resale System or Estate Agent Toolkit.

7.2 The sellers and buyers will each have to pay an administrative fee (inclusive of GST) of $40 (1/2-room flats) or $80 (3-room and bigger flats). The payment will be via the payment modes provided in the HDB Flat Portal/e-Resale System/Estate Agent Toolkit.

7.3 Either the sellers or the buyers may submit their portion of the resale application first. The second party will have to do so within 7 days. If not, the submission by the first party will lapse and they have to re-start the process. The administrative fee paid is non-refundable.

7.4 The resale application will be considered as complete upon the submission by the second party. The date of resale application, which will be used to assess the seller’s and buyer’s eligibility to sell/buy the flat, will be the date of submission of the complete application by the second party,

7.5 Where the sellers and buyers are engaging their own solicitors to act for them in the resale, they have to provide the name and address of their solicitors in the resale application.

7.6 Where the sellers or buyers have given a Power of Attorney for the sale or purchase, a softcopy of the Power of Attorney must be attached with the resale application.

7.7 Sellers who are buying another resale flat concurrently and wishes to use the sale proceeds of the existing flat to pay for the second flat under the Enhanced Contra Facility must submit both applications for sale and purchase together. However, if they are obtaining a housing loan from a bank/financial Institution to purchase the second flat, they will not be eligible for the Enhanced Contra Facility.

7.8 Documents to be uploaded to support the resale application will vary according to the individual seller and buyer, and may include softcopies of the following:

(a) Identity Card - for identification of persons listed in the resale application.

(b) Birth Certificate - for proof of relationship between persons listed in the resale application.

(c) Passport (details and personal information page), Singapore Blue Identity Card, Entry/Re-Entry Permit, Employment/Residential Permit - for verification of residential status in Singapore.

(d) Marriage Certificate, Deed of Separation, Divorce Certificate, Decree Nisi/Interim Judgement, Decree Nisi Absolute/Certificate of Final Judgement, Death Certificate (whichever is applicable) - for verification of marital status of the persons listed in the Application Form.

(e) Grant of Probate/Letters of Administration with its Petition, Estates Duty Schedule and/or a copy of the Last Will (if applicable) - for proof of the right of representation or interest in an HDB flat/ private property by way of inheritance.



8.1 Sellers and buyers must provide the information and documents to process the resale application in the HDB Flat Portal/e-Resale System/Estate Agent Toolkit and submit them in the manner and within the timeframe as required by HDB.

8.2 The acceptance of the resale application is subject to:

(a) The sellers and the buyers satisfying the approved ethnic ratios and limits set for the Neighbourhood and Block under the Ethnic Integration Policy and the Singapore Permanent Resident Quota policy as at the date of submission of the resale application.

(b) HDB’s receipt and verification of the information (including consistency with any information provided by the sellers at the Intent to Sell and the buyers at the Intent to Buy) and documents submitted by the sellers and buyers that are required by HDB to process the resale application.

8.3 HDB will notify the sellers and buyers of the acceptance of the resale application via SMS/email and post the application progress update in the HDB Flat Portal.



9.1 A date will be fixed for the HDB Branch to inspect the resale flat. The sellers will be informed of the inspection date in HDB’s notification of the acceptance of the resale application. HDB’s approval of the resale will be withheld if the flat is not inspected by the HDB Branch.

9.2 The purpose of the inspection by the HDB Branch is to check for unauthorised renovation works in the resale flat which may damage the common property or other flats in the building and affect the structural stability of the building. The inspection is not to ascertain the value of the resale flat, the condition and safety of the renovation works or whether the renovation works comply with the requirements imposed by other competent authorities.

9.3 The sellers must regularise/remove any unauthorised renovation works found in the resale flat before completion of the resale transaction.

9.4 Notwithstanding clauses 9.2 and 9.3, the buyers are purchasing the flat on a caveat emptor basis. This means that it is the responsibility of the buyers to check the condition of the resale flat and verify that all renovation works carried out by the sellers are authorised and comply with the requirements imposed by HDB or other competent authorities. The buyers will also be responsible for any irregularity, including any unauthorised renovation works carried out by the sellers in the resale flat, which may subsequently be discovered. The buyers are advised to engage a Qualified Person (e.g. Building Surveyor), at their own expense, to help them in the checking.



10.1 In processing a resale transaction with a housing loan from HDB, HDB will:

(a) assess the eligibility of the sellers and buyers;

(b) process the buyer’s application for withdrawal of CPF savings;

(c) determine the amount of housing loan to be granted based on the HDB Flat Eligibility (HFE) Letter or HDB Loan Eligibility (HLE) Letter, where applicable, and HDB’s housing loan policies;

(d) calculate the amount of stamp/registration and conveyancing fees payable by the sellers and buyers;

(e) determine the final payment of the purchase price (if any) with Cashier’s Order or NETS by the buyers on completion of the resale;

(f) obtain the seller’s and buyer’s authorisation for HDB to act for them in the conveyancing (unless the sellers and buyers have engaged their own solicitors to act for them); and

(g) inform the sellers and buyers of the things they need to do to complete the resale transaction.

10.2 HDB will notify the sellers and buyers via SMS/email when the documents, which include financial calculations, forms and undertakings, are ready for endorsement, and post the progress update in the HDB Flat Portal.

10.3 The sellers and buyers must endorse in the HDB Flat Portal (or in any manner that HDB will decide) all the documents and make the necessary payments for the resale within the timeframe as requested by HDB. Any delay in complying with the timelines for the endorsement or payment may result in the resale approval being withheld, the resale completion postponed, or the resale application cancelled.

10.4 The seller's spouse who is not an owner of the flat and the buyer's spouse who is listed as an occupier in the resale flat application must also endorse the spouse consent/acknowledgement form in the HDB Flat Portal, to acknowledge the sale and purchase of the resale flat. If the seller's or buyer's spouse is not in Singapore or is residing overseas, and unable to endorse the form in the HDB Flat Portal, he or she will be required to sign the spouse consent/acknowledgement form in the presence of a Notary Public.

10.5 Sellers or buyers who have given a Power of Attorney for the sale or purchase will endorse the documents in the HDB Flat Portal. Even with the Power of Attorney, the sellers or buyers (i.e. the Donors) are still required to personally endorse the application form for the sale or purchase and other declaration forms (or sign them if they are unable to access the HDB Flat Portal).

10.6 Where HDB is acting for the buyers, the following caveat fees (plus a title search fee of $32) will be payable by the buyers:

(a) $128.90 (if the buyers are taking a housing loan from HDB);

(b) $64.45 (if no HDB loan is granted).

10.7 Payments will be via the payment modes provided in the HDB Flat Portal. Sellers and buyers who are unable to do the payment in the HDB Flat Portal can print the payment advice and make the payment at HDB Hub, Toa Payoh, within 3 days of the notice to pay.



11.1 HDB may grant approval for the resale after:

(a) verifying the information provided by the sellers and buyers,

(b) their endorsement of the required documents,

(c) the receipt of the necessary payments; and

(d) the performance of any other requirement by the seller and buyer as may be specified by HDB.

11.2 The approval letter will be posted in the HDB Flat Portal, and the sellers and buyers will be notified via SMS/email.



12.1 A resale transaction takes about 8 weeks (from the date of HDB’s acceptance of the resale application) to complete. As this is the earliest possible date to complete the transaction, HDB will not be able to accede to any request to advance the completion date. Request to extend the completion date can be considered, subject to the request being made jointly by the sellers and buyers. Both the sellers and buyers will be informed of the completion date and time in the completion letter, and to attend a completion appointment at HDB Hub.

12.2 Before completing the resale transaction,

(a) the sellers have to:

i) rectify/remove any unauthorised renovation works in the resale flat and confirm the rectification with the HDB Branch;

ii) terminate the GIRO account for all payments pertaining to the resale flat;

iii) ensure the property tax and service & conservancy charges are paid up to the effective date of resale;

iv) vacate the resale flat to ensure that vacant possession will be given to the buyers on completion; and

v) invite the buyers to inspect the resale flat.

(b) the buyers have to:

i) inspect the resale flat to check that vacant possession will be delivered by the sellers on completion; and

ii) pay the balance of the purchase price (if any) with Cashier’s Order or NETS.

12.3 Salespersons are required to make a statutory declaration in the prescribed Salesperson Statutory Declaration form in the presence of a Commissioner for Oaths at the HDB Resale Office and submit it to HDB at the completion appointment.

12.4 On the day of completion of the resale at the Resale Office, the sellers and buyers shall submit the original Option to Purchase to HDB. The sellers have to produce evidence of payment of service and conservancy charges and property tax. The buyers have to produce the receipt for the final cash payment (if any). If the buyers have obtained a loan from HDB, he is to produce a valid Certificate of Insurance for a Mortgage Fire Insurance Policy on the resale flat issued by HDB’s appointed Insurer. Both the sellers and buyers will sign the legal instruments for the transfer of ownership, mortgage, the relevant forms and undertakings, and the sellers will hand over the keys of the flat to the buyers.

12.5 The net sale proceeds (if any) will be released to the sellers upon completion of the resale, and the CPF refund (if any) will be credited to the seller’s CPF account between 7 to 14 days from the date of completion.

12.6 For resale applications where private solicitors are acting for both the seller and the buyer, the solicitors will arrange for the resale completion and handover of keys at their own convenience and to inform HDB once the resale has been completed.

Words herein importing the singular or the masculine gender shall include the plural number or the feminine gender.



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