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6 ways to utilise the bomb shelter without risking your life

December 21, 2020

The Bomb Shelter

How To Utilize

While we do not deny the many advantages of having a bomb shelter at home, it can look undeniably plain and ugly. If you're thinking of how to transform that space without violating any rules or endangering your life, here are some ways on how you can do it:

1. Cover it with wallpaper

One of the easiest ways to transform that blast door in your house into a creative looking one is by hanging wallpaper. It is inexpensive, quick and best of all, no renovation works required. 

2. Channel your inner artist

If you're not into the whole wallpaper across your door, go for wall decals. Let your creativity do the work and design the blast door just the way you want it by mixing and matching different decal.

Love to paint? Show off your artistic skills and let the blast door be your canvas. Just keep in mind the guidelines while painting, like removing old paint coat on the door and door frame before repainting to avoid paint build-ups, resulting in difficulty in closing and opening of the door. 

3. Storage

We've all heard enough complaints about the small HDBs we live in. To fully maximise the limited spaces you have, use part of the space within the bomb shelter and install shelves for storage. 

4. Disguise it with a feature wall

Worried about the blast door looking out of place, you can easily blend the blast door to fit the concept of your home by engaging a contractor to include a feature wall. 

5. Behind mirrors

It's no surprise that people make it a point to include mirrors in every part of the house. Take advantage of these uses by installing a mirror in front of the blast door to hide it completely. Not to forget, they create the illusion of depth by reflecting light, making small rooms appear brighter and bigger than they really are. 

6. Behind shelves

If you do not wish to change even the smallest part of the blast door or bomb shelter, build shelves with pivoting panel in front of the blast door instead to hide it. You can store anything from books to novelties. You can not only conceal the ugly-looking blast door but you're also fully utilising the small living spaces that you have by building shelves that provide extra storage spaces.


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